R12 startup/shutdown scripts

In this Blog , I am explaining the shutdown/startup scripts under $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ (Application Tier) and $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/context_name/

These scripts are used to start and shutdown oracle applications. (All together OR individual component)

adapcctl.sh:# | Start/stop/status Apache only

adformsctl.sh:# | This script is used to start, stop and check the status of the forms oc4j instance.

adformsctl.sh:# | This script is provided as a wrapper on top of the opmnctl script shipped

adformsrvctl.sh: printf "Forms Connect Mode is set to Servlet. Please Change Forms Mode to socket and then run this script.

adoacorectl.sh:# | This script is used to start, stop and check the status of the oacore oc4j instance.

adoacorectl.sh:# | This script is provided as a wrapper on top of the opmnctl script shipped

adoafmctl.sh:# | This script is used to start, stop and check the status of the oafm oc4j instance.

adopmnctl.sh:# | This script is used to start, stop and check the status of OPMN.

adstpall.sh:# | This script is used to stop Oracle E-Business Suite Services on machine machine-name
adstrtal.sh:# | This script is used to start Oracle E-Business Suite Services enabled on machine machine-name.

java.sh:# | This script is used by opmn and java concurrent programs to call java

adcmctl.sh : Start / Stop Concurrent Manager

adautocfg.sh: Runs autoconfig

gsmstart.sh: Start/Stop FNDSM

adalnctl.sh : Start/stop RPC listeners

adpreclone.pl : Cloning Prepration script.

DB Node:

adautocfg.sh:Runs Autoconfig

This scripts checks for the existance of the following:
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/XXdata directory

Start / Stop Net8 Listener process
addlnctl.sh {start|stop} {listener}

adexecsql.pl: Execute all sql scripts that update the profiles in an AutoConfig run
adexecsql.pl sqlfile=

adlsnodes.sh: This script is used for 9i database only. For 10g database run /bin/olsnodes for checking the cluster status.
adlsnodes.sh: This script is used for 9i database only. For 11g database run /bin/olsnodes for checking the cluster status.

adpreclone.pl: Clone prepration scipt.

to start DB : sqlplus /nolog @adstrtdb.sql

Script to shutdown database
sqlplus /nolog adstopdb.sql SHUTDOWN MODE

Process for startup

1. Start database (Manually OR @adstrtdb.sql)
2. Start Database listner (addlnctl.sh {start|stop} {listener}OR lsnrctl start listener-name
3. Start oracle applications services. (adstrtal.sh-Will start everything)

Process for shutdown

1. Shutdown Oracle Application services (adstpall.sh -Will shutdown everything (Other then DB and DB listener)
...........After running this script, Please wait till all processes are gone.
For Example if you are using applmgr (OS user) , Please check ps -ef | grep applmgr (No application process must be running)

Sometime you may need to kill some processes (Do it on your own risk -But believe me its commonly used)

2. Shutdown Datbase (Manually OR
Script to shutdown database
sqlplus /nolog adstopdb.sql SHUTDOWN MODE (Mostly shutdown immediate used)
3. Shutdown DB listener.
addlnctl.sh {start|stop} {listener} OR lsnrctl stop lisneter-name

Hope this help. Feel Free to update this if additional information is required.


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