1) Find invalid java classes:
Lets assume that we have two JAVA CLASS invalids as returned by the following query:
Col object_name for a50
Col owner for a10
SQL>SELECT object_name,object_type,owner,status FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_type='JAVA CLASS' AND status='INVALID';
/b0993e19_MyAppsContext JAVA CLASS APPS INVALID
oracle/apps/fnd/common/FileLog JAVA CLASS APPS INVALID
2) Try to resolve invalids:
First of all try to resolve these invalids using following statements.
SQL>ALTER JAVA CLASS "/b0993e19_MyAppsContext" RESOLVE;
SQL> ALTER JAVA CLASS "oracle/apps/fnd/common/FileLog" RESOLVE;
Note: If you don't include java class name in double quotes the statements will fail.
If these objects are still invalid proceed to next step
3) Find respective modules of java classes:
We need to check as to which module the JAVA CLASS belongs.
To check the module of first invalid run the following statement:
SQL>SELECT dbms_java.longname('/b0993e19_MyAppsContext') FROM dual;
The result of this query shows that this java class is associated with WMS module as it is included in oracle/apps/wms package From the name of second invalid above, FileLog, it is clear that it is associated with FND module as it is included in oracle/apps/fnd package.
4) Find jar file which includes the java class:
Create a shell script, say, whichjar.sh with the following logic:
for f in `ls $1/java/jar/*.jar`
t=`strings $f
grep $2`
if test ! -z "$t"
echo "$2 is found in $f"
Now run the script with the following command:
$./whichjava.sh <$PRODUCT_TOP>
$./whichjar.sh $WMS_TOP MyAppsContext
MyAppsContext is found in
$./whichjar.sh $FND_TOP FileLog
FileLog is found in /
Note: Before running the script make sure you give execute permissions to script and there are no control or junk characters in the script.
5) Load jar file into database:
Change directory to [8.1.7 ORACLE_HOME]\bin and run the following command:
$loadjava -force -verbose -resolve \
-user apps/
$loadjava -force -resolve \
-user apps/
You can see the full pathname for the java class using
select dbms_java.longname(object_name) object_name, object_type
from dba_objects where owner = 'APPS' and object_type like 'JAVA%'
and status != 'VALID'
order by object_type
Then you need to find where this file came from, which is not so easy, however, the following note lists all the jar files I could find that get loaded into Apps database,but the long name will tell you which module the class came from at least.
Metalink Note:183078.1 Recreating Applications 11i JAVA objects in the database
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